

LAMP is an acronym that stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl/Python. It represents a popular and widely used open-source software stack for building and deploying dynamic web applications.

This is a specific combination of platform and tools, which have been popularized by the open source revolution. LAMP stands for Linux, Apache-My SQL-PHP. Linux is the operating system, Apache is the web server, My SQL is the database and PHP is the scripting language. Vedainfotech has executed substantial number of projects using this popular combination, which has given some insights into the performance tuning and optimal utilization of system resources.
Vedainfotech has developed a comprehensive competency in open source technologies and has handled such combinations under varied contexts.This has given our professional team a very good understanding of the technologies and the challenges of integrating them into diverse environments.
Vedainfotech has developed a step-by-step methodology for developing systems using LAMP, which addresses al such integration challenges. This has been leveraged on many occasions to help our clients reduce the time of deployment as well as manage the inherent integration risks.